The Primus writes:

Media reports yesterday of support within the Anglican Church of Ghana for a legislative motion to implement an appalling raft of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation will be heart breaking to many across Scotland, and around the world.
Support for this proposal is, I believe, contrary to the message of love contained in the Gospel we preach. I am very aware of the breadth of opinion across the Anglican Communion on human sexuality. I have, at times had to to vigorously defend the position we have taken on equal marriage. Despite our disagreements however, at the Primates Meetings I have attended we have unanimously reiterated our opposition to any criminalisation of those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community across the world.
I beseech those in the Anglican Church of Ghana who support this motion to rethink their position. I pray for all involved, especially for LQBTQ+ people in Ghana, and their loved ones, who now find themselves in danger because of who they are, and who they love.