The Time is Now is a new piece of GodArt in the church reflecting the Gospel readings during August. Parts of broken clocks have been used to create a temporary rood screen.
A rood screen separates the people from the holiness beyond. As our Gospel readings repeat Jesus’ warning not to waste any time in sharing God’s Kingdom. Next year, next month, next week, tomorrow might be too late, this afternoon might be to late, the next minute …..
Can we interpret the time is the question Jesus asks, however there lies beneath another bigger question. If we can, what are we going to do about it?
Jesus tells us there are times when we are called not to be peacemakers, but rather to be disruptors. Taken that which is broken and pulling it back together again disrupts people, sometimes the brokenness lies so deep that it becomes part of an identity.
These broken clock pieces hanging as a rood screen remind us that sometimes it is our brokenness that separates us from God, but God wants to put us back together. That isn’t always easy, and it is always painless. One of the surprises when looking at the photos to decide which ones to use was seeing the processional cross surrounded by a broken clock dial. Jesus on the cross is at the centre of our brokenness and from dying to that we can know resurrection, new life and new hope.