Advent Sunday is the beginning of a new year, often seen as a time of preparation for Christmas, however that slightly misses the point. While it is indeed the liturgical season leading up to Christmas it looks back rather than forward to the birth of the Babe of Bethlehem. The Ox and the Ass didn’t know what was about to happen, neither we do, indeed if we think we do we will almost certainly miss out, for God is a God of surprises and they are often not only unexpected but also things we would run away from.

Jesus was born for the cross, as death is the only path to resurrection. All too often we want resurrection but are not prepared to put to death those things that prevent it happening. Advent is the time to step out with confidence into an unknown future, but one where God is already awaiting us. To prepare not for what we know or expect, but for those blessing God is waiting to shower upon us.