
Anyone who wishes to be Baptised in the Scottish Episcopal Church who has not previously been Baptised should contact the Rector before making any plans.

For babies and young children the parents should have an understanding of not just what will happen at the time of the baptism but also what it is about. If it is an adult or teenager who wishes to be baptised then they themselves must understand what is happening and what the promises they are making mean. While any teenager would be taking on their own promises we would still encourage their legal guardian to be fully aware and supportive of their charge.

Water is symbolic throughout the story of God and God’s people. From the separating of the water from the land in the creation narratives, to the parting of the Red Sea, to the crossing of the River Jordan into the Holy Land. Water brought hope in times of anxiety, places were wells were founded in the answer to prayer were named after God. Water was seen as something that would grant health, peace and security.

Holy Oil has been used through the centuries as a sign of God’s setting aside someone or something. In Baptism the Holy Oil is used both as a setting aside as belong to God, but also as a foretaste of the blessings of heaven. The oil of catechumens is placed on the crown of the head, after baptism it is the anointing of a new Christian, marking them as no lesser than any other Christian for all are equal in God’s eyes.

The Paschal Candle is a tall candle in the church which symbolised the Light of Christ and the new life the Baptised is now living. A new candle is lit each Easter celebrating the Resurrection. At baptism a candle is lit from its flame and presented to the newly baptism as a symbol that they now carry the Light of Christ within them.

Baptism marks a new starting point for the person who is being baptised and it is the task of everyone around that person to support them in the new Christian life they are to live. A Baptism concludes with the whole congregation, on behalf of the Church throughout the world, welcoming the newly baptised and promising to help them grow in their faith.

If you would like to be Baptised, or have an infant Baptised please contact the Rector who will arrange to meet with you and being the process.