Our AGM will take place after the service on Sunday 14th November. Papers are available at the back of the church.

Blessed be your name, Holy One who blesses us with seasons. Autumnal myriad hues, like Joseph’s coat, Swirl around, reminders of your radiant presence and your love. Always with us. Waning Hunter moon its labour easing drawing out the night, while bittersweet memories tinge the frosty air. Saints and saints, both. Those whose names and smells and voices we recall, with smiles upon our heavy hearts. Those with halos shinning bright; Owning unknown faces, inspiring words, mysterious deeds of wonder; Watching from mosaic, tempera, coloured glass. Both saint and Saint remembered in this hallowed time, of falling leaf and tolling bell. Blessed be your name, Holy One who blesses us with seasons. Seasons of the earth_ transient life, perpetual soul.
All Saints
This year we will be celebrating All Saints on Sunday 31st October at 11am. If you wish to bring the liturgy with you on an electronic device you will find the pdf below.
From its earliest days, the Church has recognized as its foundation stones those heroes of the faith whose lives have excited others to holiness and have assumed a communion with the Church on earth and the Church in heaven.
Celebrating the Feast of All Saints began in the fourth century. At first, it was observed on the Sunday after the Feast of Pentecost; this was to link the disciples who received the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the foundation of the Church, with those who were martyrs, giving their lives as witnesses for the faith.
In the eighth century, a pope dedicated a chapel to All Saints in Saint Peter’s at Rome on 1 November. Within a century this day was being observed as All Saints’ Day.
The Primus writes:

Media reports yesterday of support within the Anglican Church of Ghana for a legislative motion to implement an appalling raft of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation will be heart breaking to many across Scotland, and around the world.
Support for this proposal is, I believe, contrary to the message of love contained in the Gospel we preach. I am very aware of the breadth of opinion across the Anglican Communion on human sexuality. I have, at times had to to vigorously defend the position we have taken on equal marriage. Despite our disagreements however, at the Primates Meetings I have attended we have unanimously reiterated our opposition to any criminalisation of those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community across the world.
I beseech those in the Anglican Church of Ghana who support this motion to rethink their position. I pray for all involved, especially for LQBTQ+ people in Ghana, and their loved ones, who now find themselves in danger because of who they are, and who they love.
All Souls Service
There will be a service for the Commemoration of All Souls on Tuesday 2nd November at 7.30pm. The service will take the form of a Said Eucharist with time for reflection and an opportunity to light a candle in memory of a loved one.
If you would like the name of a departed loved one remembered during the service please put their name on the list at the back of the church or as a comment below.
All names read out at the service will then be placed under the altar cloth on the altar until All Souls next year, only being removed at the stripping of the Altar on Maundy Thursday. For, we do not cease worshiping God when we die, indeed we increase our worship, joining with all those who have gone before in constant praise:
Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, singing,
‘To the one seated on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honour and glory and might for ever and ever!’
Revelation 5:13
Appointment of Diocesan Makar

Bishop Kevin is delighted to announce the appointment of the Rev Kirstin Freeman as the Makar of the United Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway. The term makar, borrowed from Scottish literature, relates to a poet or bard, coming from the Middle Scots word for maker.
In this inaugural honorary post, spanning an initial term of four years, Kirstin will mark events in the life and witness of our Diocese by the creation of bespoke pieces of art that will encourage our congregations, communities, and individuals to interact with new directions of creativity and mission throughout the Diocese and further afield.
Kirstin’s visceral poetry and thought-provoking artworks have long been enjoyed by friends and colleagues and have made multiple appearances in our diocesan communications. Bishop Kevin views this appointment as a unique opportunity to crystalise creative forces in the Diocese and help shape new liturgy, prayers, art and resources, as well as a chance to offer a different angle for people to journey with their faith and engage with the issues of the day.
Kirstin’s most recent poem, inspired by the recent clergy pilgrimage in Galloway, is available to view on the Diocesan Facebook page Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway – Home | Facebook
NHS Lanarkshire launches psychological well-being helpline.
A new telephone helpline is offering psychological support and advice to people across Lanarkshire during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
The Service can be contacted on 01698-687567.
Welcome to St Paul and St John the Evangelist
We are the presence of the Scottish Episcopal Church in Monklands. The three historic SEC congregations in Coatbridge, Gartcosh and Airdrie now worship from one building. Together, we hope we offer an open and inclusive welcome, together we worship, and together we work. We gather around the table of hospitality, the table of the Lord, and the table of our work and study. All are welcome, all may share, all may join in.
Please do come visit, we are situated in Springwells Ave, Airdrie.